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Capu Biancu Health Center

Residence Annonciade  

  20248 Macinaggio 

On appointment

Monday to Saturday :  9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday:  10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

Make an appointment by phone

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Prendre RDV par téléphone 

The primary care team

ESP CAP SANTÉ was created in November 2020 in the midst of the COVID crisis, thanks to the collective effort of health actors in Cap Corse and the support of local partners: the ARS and the Municipality of Rogliano.

Our Primary Care Team contributes to the structuring of the patient's health journey, in coordination with the first-line actors.

It targets in particular patients with chronic diseases, people in precarious situations

Social, and people with disabilities and loss of autonomy.

About thirty professionals gather around its HEALTH project:  

Doctors, Pharmacist, Dentist, Midwife, Nurses, Physiotherapist, Speech Therapist, Orthoptist, Occupational Therapist, Psychologist…


médecin généraliste

Doctor  Generalist

Chirurgien Dentiste




sage femme



occupational therapist




Speech Therapist

Médecin Psychiatre

Doctor Psychiatrist









Pharmacie de la Giraglia. Macinaggio

Giraglia pharmacy. Macinaggio

Le cabinet


Level access, compliant with accessibility standards
  4 consulting rooms    1 treatment room    Car park



The ESP CAP SANTE nursing practice is located in Macinaggio 

Liberal nurses operate in the northern half of Cap Corse.

They provide home care  : Macinaggio, Luri, Pino, Centuri, Barretali, Minerviu, via Tomino, Meria, Rogliano, Ersa, and Barcaggio.


Laurence, Valérie, Marie do, Claudine, Cathy, Laétitia and Marie, travel the roads of the Cape daily for the care of the elderly, fragile and dependent at home: nursing, toilet, infusions, injections, blood tests ...

But also routine care or after returning from hospitalization : simple or complex dressings, series of injections, etc.


Our coordinated exercise allows the multi-professionals grouped around the Health Project of the Primary Care team, to work collectively in order to ensure comprehensive and coordinated care of the patient.

A permanence is ensured at the office every Thursday morning from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. without appointment

and by appointment every other day of the week .

The nursing team

Sector: Macinaggio, Tomino, Luri, Pino, Barretali, Minerviu:

Laurence Antonini Mattei: 0670151599
Valerie Accomando Cristini: 0671226837

Laetitia Pietri Palmieri: 0614280752
Marie Mattei: 0610881419
Catherine Giabiconi: 0495350380 / 0632411926

Sector:  Meria, Rogliano, Ersa, Centuri, Morsiglia :

Claudine Cervoni  : 0614895954
Marie do Calvani: 0612953274

For all requests for information and interventions, the coordinating nurses of L'ESP CAP SANTE

Laurence and Valérie remain at your disposal.




Follow-up of chronic pathologies 


blood test 

Follow-up of chronic pathologies 

  • Monitoring  

  • Respiratory care

  • Infusion

  • Probe

  • Chemotherapy

  • Peritoneal dialysis

Care  Punctual

  • IVF Injection

  • Healing care

  • Other vaccine  

  • Tracheostomy care

  • Sample

For more information :


General practitioner

Dr Pierre Patrice

General practitioner established for 30 years in the town of Rogliano,

Doctor Pierre Patrice monitors patients of all ages.

The relationship of trust between the doctor and his patient is essential, especially with isolated people.


Chronic illnesses related to aging, acute illnesses, winter flu, vaccinations, injuries…

The general practitioner is one of the first interlocutors of the patient, whatever his condition.  

CONTACT :  04 95 35 41 36  

Cabinet  complies with accessibility standards

Médecin Psychatre

Doctor Psychiatrist

Doctor Vanina Ciosi

has a solid clinical experience acquired with children and adults, and more recently with elderly people in nursing homes.

Expertise and acts:

Alcoholism, Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, Burn out

Anxiety disorder therapy, Insomnia, Analytical therapy, Child psychiatry, Psychotherapy


Make an appointment :  On Doctolib



Doctor Christophe Poletti Dental Surgeon DFCDM

CARE : General practice

PROSTHESIS : on implants (excluding installation), Fixed (digital impression)

Removable (partial and full)



Digital dental panoramic

Scanner or CONE BEAM (3D radiography)


Open Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. → 7.30 p.m. (except Friday 4.30 p.m.)


Make an appointment  

Fixed  04 95 61 58 84  

Mobile (only SMS)  06 33 99 37 14




Luri Health Center  


CARE : Sports physiotherapy, perineal and abdominal rehabilitation, lumbar support using the MDT method (McKenzie), breast cancer physiotherapy (Member of RKS) and all other treatments, etc.

MATERIALS  : 4 Individual rooms + 1 large technical platform (Bike, Treadmill, Elastics, Weights, Press, Carpet  gym, etc.)

MODERN PHYSIOTHERAPY MATERIALS  : Pressotherapy (heavy legs, lymphoedoema ), Game Ready cryotherapy, scar treatment by aspiration: massage, TNS electrotherapy, ...

Possibility of home pick-up from Pino to Centuri, from Porticiollo to Rogliano, via Ersa and Barcaggio.

The Health Center is equipped to receive people with reduced mobility.

Located in the center of the village of Luri, A Piazza opposite the Tony Bar and the Post Office  


06 66 26 90 91 - 06 52 72 08 91 - 06 83 63 50 69 - 06 03 49 82 30

  • Facebook

Osteopath and Hypnotherapist

Alexandra Guesquin Borromei - Osteopath

Confirmed practitioner osteopath (DO) member of the register of osteopaths of France (ROF), practicing osteopathy for 18 years.

Therapeutic approaches:  

Visceral, cranial, facial and structural techniques, myotensives, etc.

Specialized in the accompaniment of infants, the follow-up of pregnancy, that of the postpartum and in the follow-up of sportsmen.

(depending on their age, their physical and sports activities and their life story, their job)

Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Créteil with a diploma (DU) in practical Ericksonian hypnosis which complements her profession as an osteopath:

certain pain, physical (accident, injury, etc.) and psychological (mourning, separation, etc.) trauma, sleep, stress, preparation for exams, and sports challenges, etc.

CONTACT :  06 09 60 33 50

Make an appointment :  On Doctolib



Philippe BONIN

Psychologue clinicien et psychologue du travail

ADELI des psychologues auprès de l'ARS Corse sous le N° 2B 93 0155 1 (registre des psychologues et des psychothérapeutes). 

Expertises et actes :

Soutien psychologique, soutien familial, guidance parentale. Tests et bilans psychologiques.

Problèmes liés au monde du travail ou pour des difficultés scolaires.

Sur rendez- vous, pour des consultations de psychologie clinique. Consultations en visio ou par téléphone.

CONTACTS06 07 28 97 64
Facebook/BONIN Philippe-Psychologue-Bastia-Borgo




A dietician is a trained healthcare professional who assesses nutrition-related disorders and recommends a suitable diet plan.

Therapeutic approaches

Need for food rebalancing or weight loss

Food for children, the healthy, the elderly

Adapt your diet to a pathological situation: lipid disorders, diabetes, food allergy, intolerance, kidney or heart failure, digestive pathologies, etc.

Follow-up following obesity surgery: sleeve gastrectomy…

Nutrition in oncology, palliative care: by fighting against malnutrition, advice on the necessary adaptations during the various treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy.)

Does not support vital card

CONTACT: 06 23 36 38 20

Sage femme

Sage femme 

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Diplômée en 2011 à la faculté de Nice, j'ai travaillé pendant une durée de 5 ans au CHU de Saint-Etienne et pendant 1 an et demi en libéral dans cette même ville. Je suis ensuite partie vivre en Nouvelle-Zélande. Là-bas, j'ai exercé en tant que sage-femme pendant près de 2 ans, et eu l'expérience très enrichissante de donner la vie à mes 2 enfants.

Après plus de 15 ans, je suis heureuse de revenir sur mon île natale et d'apporter ma compétence de sage-femme à la communauté du haut du Cap Corse.

Au cabinet, j'accueille et prend en charge les femmes, de l'adolescence au grand âge, pendant et hors grossesse, et offre les services suivants


- Suivi de grossesse - Entretien prénatal précoce (EPP)

- Cours de préparation à la naissance et à la parentalité

- Accompagnement et soutien à l'allaitement maternel

-Consultation post natale  - Rééducation du périnée.

Gynécologie :

- 1ère consultation gynécologique, suivi gynécologique de prévention (examen gynécologique et mammaire, prescription d'échographie mammaire, mammographie, frottis, recherche HPV)

- Contraception (pilule, pose/retrait de DIU (stérilet) et d'implant contraceptif, contraception d'urgence, grossesse non désirée, …)

- Rééducation périnéale hors contexte de grossesse.

CONTACT pour RDV  : 06 25 50 30 24 (SMS ou appel)

J'offre aussi des visites à domicile pour :

- Monitoring de surveillance des grossesses pathologiques, sur prescription.

- Suivi mère/bébé dans le cadre du PRADO, jusqu'à J12 postpartum. J'ai une vision holistique de la santé en général et prône une prise en charge individuelle, propre aux besoin de chacune. Pour arriver aux meilleurs résultats, une prise en charge multidisciplinaire est parfois nécessaire et il est également de mon devoir de vous conseiller ou vous référer vers les professionnels adaptés : gynécologue, kinésithérapeute, médecin généraliste, diététicien, psychologue, etc

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Assistantes sociales

Assistantes sociales



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Cullettività di Corsica 

Collectivité de Corse 

Direzzione Generale di i Servizii

Direction Générale des Services

Direzzione Generale Aghjunta di l'Affare Suciale è Sanitarie

Direction Générale Adjointe des Affaires Sociales et Sanitaires

Direzzione di l'azzione suciale di vicinanza

Direction de l'action sociale de proximité

Polu territuriale di Bastia 

Pôle territorial de Bastia 

PTS Bastia-Fango

Les Terrasses du Fango - 20200 BASTIA 


Tel : 04 95 55 06 33           

Mail :

Payment by credit card, cash

or check 

Practice of

third-party payment via

the compulsory scheme

Vital card

up-to-date and ongoing

of validity 

Medical prescription required to start treatment 


Contact us

Address :

Capu Biancu Health Center

Annonciade residence  

20248 Macinaggio 

Contact :

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